Institute of Politics

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  • IPP: The United Nations In Times Of Turmoil: Former First Deputy-Sec-Gen to the UN Louise Fréchettel

IPP: The United Nations In Times Of Turmoil: Former First Deputy-Sec-Gen to the UN Louise Fréchettel

Join the Institute of Politics’ International Policy Program as we host the Former First Deputy-Secretary-General to the UN Louise Fréchette for an incredibly timely and critical discussion about the evolution of the United Nations and how it is being affected by the shifting global power relations. This is the opportunity for students to ask questions and have a conversation with a decorated diplomat who has experience at the top of the United Nations about current affairs in international politics and the role of the United Nations.

Louise Fréchette was the first Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations. A national of Canada, she assumed her duties in 1998, after having been appointed by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and remained at her post for 8 years. As Deputy Secretary-General, Ms. Fréchette assisted Secretary-General Kofi Annan in the full range of his responsibilities and also represented the United Nations at conferences and official functions.

Before joining the United Nations, Ms. Fréchette had a long career as a diplomat at Canada's Department of External Affairs since 1971. She notably served as Ambassador to Argentina with concurrent accreditation to Uruguay and Paraguay (1985-1988), Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations (1992-1994), Associate Deputy Minister of Finance (1995), and Deputy Minister of National Defence (1995-1998).

  • Louise Fréchette Former First Deputy-Secretary-General to the United Nations

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