Institute of Politics

  • About
  • Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors

The Board of Advisors to the Institute of Politics includes a diverse group of leaders in civic life, politics, business and journalism. Board members offer their expertise and guidance to the Institute staff and meet annually in Chicago to review the Institute’s operation and programming.

Board of Advisors

David Axelrod |

Founding Director of the Institute of Politics

Heidi Heitkamp |

Former U.S. Senator (D-ND)
Co-founder and Chair of the One Country Project

Tim Alberta |

Political Columnist, The Atlantic

Stephanie Cutter |

Partner, Precision Strategies
Former Deputy Campaign Manager for Barack Obama

Bob Dold |

Former U.S. Representative (R-IL)
Partner, Forbes Tate

Anna Galland |

Former Executive Director of MoveOn.

Ed Gillespie |

Senior Executive Vice President, AT&T
Former RNC Chairman

Larry Grisolano |

Partner & CEO, AKPD Message and Media

Sofia Haft |

Global Public Policy Manager, Snap, Inc.

Astead Herndon |

Political Columnist, The New York Times

Bill Kristol |

Director, Defending Democracy Together
Editor-at-Large, The Bulwark Founder
Founder, The Weekly Standard

Ray LaHood |

Co-Chair, Building America’s Future
Former U.S. Secretary of Transportation

Keisha Lance Bottoms |

Former Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia

Isaac Lee |

Executive Chairman, Exile Content Studio

Claire McCaskill |

Former U.S. Senator (D-MO)

David Muir |

Former Director of Political Strategy for UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown

Stephanie Murphy |

Former U.S. Representative (D-FL)

Shailagh Murray |

Executive Vice President for Public Affairs, Columbia University
Former Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama

Beth Myers |

Co-founder, The Shawmut Group
Former Senior Advisor to U.S. Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Darren Reisberg

President, Hartwick College

Bakari Sellers |

Former South Carolina State Representative

Sonal Shah |

CEO, The Texas Tribune

Marc Short |

Former Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States

Erin Simpson |

Program Officer, Technology and Society, Ford Foundation

Bret Stephens |

Op-Ed Columnist, New York Times

Karen Tumulty |

Political Columnist, The Washington Post

Amy Walter |

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, The Cook Political Report

Howard Wolfson |

Senior Advisor, Bloomberg Philanthropies

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