Institute of Politics

Hashtags & Retweets: How the White House Uses Social Media

In the first 100 days of the Trump administration, President Trump has rewritten the rules of how the White House interacts with Americans and the press. From tweets to leaks, the IOP explores the role of new media in politics, the relationship of the press corps to the White House, and the power of 140 characters. Exploring these issues is Shailagh Murray, current fellow at the IOP and former Senior Advisor to then President Obama; and Ben Smith, the current editor-in-chief of Buzzfeed.

  • Shailagh Murray Spring 2017 Pritzker Fellow, The University of Chicago Institute of Politics, Former Senior Advisor to President Obama, Member, The University of Chicago Institute of Politics Board of Advisors, Former Deputy Chief of Staff & Communications Director to VP Biden
  • Ben Smith Editor in chief of Semafor, Former Media Columnist, The New York Times, Former Editor-in-Chief, Buzzfeed

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