Institute of Politics

Democracy and Economic Development in Latin America

This unique program will bring together former presidents of Latin American countries of Costa Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic, and Mexico to engage in dialogue and explore issues at the intersection of democracy and economic development in Latin America and its impact on the society.

In this moderated discussion, the participants will share professional and personal perspectives as well as their opinions on democracy and economics in their countries and in Latin America as a whole, with special interest on the impact of the war in Ukraine for these countries.

  • H.E. Laura Chinchilla, former president of Costa Rica
  • H.E. Leonel Fernández, former president of Dominican Republic
  • H.E. Ricardo Lagos, former president of Chile
  • H.E. Ernesto Zedillo, former president of Mexico Univision Chicago's Alex Hernandez will moderate the discussion.
  • Laura Chinchilla Former president of Costa Rica
  • Leonel Fernández Former president of Dominican Republic
  • Alex Hernandez News Anchor, Univision Chicago
  • Ricardo Lagos Former president of Chile
  • Ernesto Zedillo Former president of Mexico

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